Brandon Laforty graduated from the Criminology program at York University in 2010. After joining Bergmanis, Preyra LLP in 2012, Brandon dedicated the past 12 years of his legal career to Personal Injury and Insurance law. He received his Paralegal licence from the LSO in 2015. In 2022, Brandon was elected to the board of directors of a 35-story condominium complex housing around 400 residences. Shortly after being elected, Brandon was subsequently appointed to the Joint Facility Board responsible for over 1300 residences. Brandon is now well versed in condominium law and has completed the grueling process of first and second year Tarion warrant audits. This process has involved identifying and addressing warranty deficiencies of a structure, coordinating with Tridel, WSIP, Tarion, and property management to resolve these issues in a timely manner. Brandon is passionate about project management and community building. He now manages serious matters on behalf of the Board and the condominium corporation, coordinating various duties with contractors, Tarion and property management. Brandon has a passion for holistic wellness and natural medicine. Brandon is a Certified Joint Health and Safety Committee Member (Level 1 & 2, OSG) and a Certified Condominium Director (CAO). Interests include brand building, fashion, fitness, traditional Chinese medicine, music and building lasting relationships.